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Enrol today and begin your future with us.

Image by MD Duran

Enrollment Process

Our enrollment process is designed to be simple and convenient. We aim to make it easy for students to access our courses and begin their learning journey. Learn more about our enrollment process and get started on your path to essential life learning.

Eligibility & Fees

At The Essential Life Learning Academy, we understand the importance of affordable education. We offer various tuition options and financial support to make our courses accessible to all. Discover more about our tuition fees, scholarships, and student billing to support your educational goals.

  • Can anyone enrol?
    Everyone is welcome at ELLA, we do not have any educational requirements or experience requirements, the only requirement is that you must be over 15 years of age, if you don't meet this requirement you will need permission from your parent / carer. Some courses require you to be 18+.
  • How long does enrolment take?
    Enrolment should only take around 10 minutes to complete from start to approval. If you have special requirements or are in need of further assistance, please contact us.
  • Is it free to enrol?
    It is free to enrol at ELLA and gain access to our groups and forums, however to access a course you will need to pay the one-off charge per course.
  • How long does it take to finish a course?
    Every course is different, depending on the level and subject. Some courses will only take a few days to complete, and some will be longer - it all depends on how much time you have per day to work on your course, and what the course is! Before you begin your course, you will have access to the information regarding the length of the course you wish to take.
  • Are the courses live?
    We have developed pre-recorded / pre-written courses, to ensure that students can complete their course in their own time. We understand that many of our students are in part / full-time roles and it can be difficult to find a time to study, and that is why we have developed our platform to be as simple and stress-free for our students as possible.
  • If I don't like my course, can I change?
    Of course! We understand that opinions change, and that sometimes you may want to switch what you are studying. As long as the course that you wish to switch to has the same price as the one you are currently on, then we are able to transfer you over to the new course! Please note: If the course you are switching to is of less value than the one you are currently on, you will not receive a refund for the difference. If the course you wish to switch to is of higher value than the one you are currently studying, then you will need to pay the difference to switch courses.
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